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satRday Code of Conduct

Short Version

satRday Columbus is dedicated to a harassment-free and enjoyable conference experience for all participants.

Medium Version

satRday Columbus is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive conference experience for all in attendance regardless of, but not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, physical attributes, age, ethnicity, social standing, religion or political affiliation. We do not tolerate harassment of participants (including organisers and vendors) in any form. Sexual innuendos and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including presentations.

Anyone violating these rules may be given warning or expelled from the conference (without a refund) at the discretion of the conference organisers.

Long Version

Please note, all in attendance of satRday Columbus including: guests, organisers, sponsors,volunteers, exhibitors in the expo hall or vendor booths are also subject to the code of conduct and from here on shall be referred to as "participants".

satRday Columbus is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive conference experience for all in attendance regardless of, but not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, physical attributes, age, ethnicity, social standing, religion or political affiliation. Harassment of conference participants in any form will not be tolerated. Sexual innuendos and imagery are deemed inappropriate for any conference activities.

Violation of these rules may result in expulsion from the conference (without a refund, when relevant) at the discretion of the conference organizers.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:


Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Presenters/sponsors/vendors should not use sexualized images or language. If a participant engages in harassing behaviour, event organisers retain the right to take action to keep the event a welcoming environment for all involved. This includes warning the offender or expulsion.

Event organisers may take action to redress anything disrupting the event or making the environment hostile for any participants. We expect participants to follow these rules at all times.


Harassment or other violation of the code of conduct reduces the value and enjoyment of our event for everyone.

If you or anyone else is made to feel unsafe/unwelcome/disrespected, please report this to a conference staff member as soon as possible. Reports can be made personally or anonymously (see below).

Information to include in a written anonymous/personal report (ie. to the relevant event personnel.)

Anonymous Report

If you are being harassed, have seen/heard of another participant being harassed or have any other related queries please contact one of the following conference personnel who will introduce themselves at the start of the conference and be reachable throughout the day:

Alternatively you can contact the satRday Columbus email, which is only accessible by the above mentioned personnel.

Personal Report

Personal reports can be made by contacting a nearby staff member.

During the reporting process our staff will ensure you are safe and cannot be heard. Another member of staff may occasionally be necessary to ensure the report is dealt with correctly. Once safe, we'll ask you to tell us what happened. We understand this may be upsetting and assure you we will deal with it as respectfully as possible. You also will not be required to confront the perpetrator and your identity will not be shared with them either.

If you still feel threatened our team members will be more than happy to help you contact venue security/local law enforcement or otherwise assist you to feel safe for the remainder of the event. We value your participation and your security is of great importance.

Internal Version


A member of staff can issue a verbal warning to a participant if their behaviour violates the Code of Conduct. Warnings should also be forwarded to the relevant organiser as soon as is practical. The report should include:


Presentations should not be stopped for a one-time assumable error, though a staff member should speak to the presenter afterward. In the event that the code of conduct is continuously/seriously disregarded, staff should take immediate action to politely and professionally stop the presentation as soon as deemed necessary. For example, by simply saying "I apologize for the disruption but this presentation cannot be continued at this time."

Taking Reports


Reasons for possible expulsion:

Consult with other staff members regarding incidents when possible but also act when necessary.

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