satRday Columbus - Join us again in 2021!
A virtual R conference featuring useRs across Ohio on November 14, 2020!
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Conference Details


Nov 14, 2020 via Zoom (registration required)


Gain knowledge from local R users

Community Lead

Community organized, community focused




An inclusive, supportive and respectful environment


Click on a talk for more details


The local timezone is America/New_York. Due to daylight savings time, it will unfortunately switch from UTC-4 to UTC-5 on November 1st. If you will be joining us from a different timezone, you can click on a start time to convert to your local timezone.

Opening remarks

Session 1: Infrastructure

cpp11 - welding R and C++ (Jim Hester)

R at Ohio Supercomputer Center (Wilbur Ouma)

Three Levels of Computational Mobility (Cole Brokamp)

Morning break

Session 2: Hobbies

sARcASm: Practicing programming techniques via an R package (Alec Wong)

R-aspberry Pi! (Matthew Hoff)

Analyzing Bike Share Data in R (Trevin Flickinger)

Lunch break

Session 3: Modeling

Bayesian Model Selection with the R Package slgf (Thomas Metzger)

Geomarker Assessment with R (Erika Rasnick)

Exploring Interactions in Regression Models with R and rFSA (Joshua Lambert)

Afternoon break

Session 4: Communication

R For Communicating Science To Non-Scientists (Michael Sovic)

R-Powered Excel (George Mount)

Tips for askeRs and helpeRs (PJ Van Camp)

How We Used Rstats to Win Best Government Reporting in Ohio (Lucia Walinchus)

Closing remarks

Important Dates

Be prepared!

  • July 6, 2020

    Call for Proposals Open

    Call for proposals for satRday Columbus 2020 are now open!

  • August 17, 2020

    Proposal Submission Deadline at Midnight

    Submissions for the talk close at midnight US eastern time.

  • September 6, 2020

    Speakers get notified

    Speakers get notified for accepted talks.

  • September 19, 2020

    Registration Opens

    Registration for satRday Columbus opens.

  • November 14, 2020

    Virtual satRday Columbus 2020!

    We are very much looking forward to the inagural satRdays Columbus!


The people putting it together

Abbas Rizvi

Abbas Rizvi

Data Scientist at Tempus Labs

Columbus, OH

Bernie Lawson

Bernie Lawson

Data Scientist in Retail

Cincinnati, OH

Ezgi Karaesmen

Ezgi Karaesmen

Genomics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Columbus, OH

John Blischak

John Blischak

Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Copley, OH

Katie Sasso Schafer

Katie Sasso Schafer

Director of AI and Automation at Covail

Columbus, OH


Alec Wong

Alec Wong

Progressive Insurance

Data Analyst
Cole Brokamp

Cole Brokamp

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Assistant Professor
Erika Rasnick

Erika Rasnick

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Biostatistician and Epidemiologist
George Mount

George Mount

Stringfest Analytics

Jim Hester

Jim Hester


Software Engineer
Joshua Lambert

Joshua Lambert

University of Cincinnati

Assistant Professor
Lucia Walinchus

Lucia Walinchus

Eye on Ohio

Executive Director
Matthew Hoff

Matthew Hoff

Energy Harbor, Corp.

Senior Risk Analyst
Michael Sovic

Michael Sovic

The Ohio State University

Research Scientist
PJ Van Camp

PJ Van Camp

University of Cincinnati

Biomedical Informatics PhD Student
Thomas Metzger

Thomas Metzger

The Ohio State University

Visiting Assistant Professor
Trevin Flickinger

Trevin Flickinger

Grange Insurance

Data Insights Analyst
Wilbur Ouma

Wilbur Ouma

Ohio Supercomputer Center

Senior Systems Consultant


satRday Columbus is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive conference experience for all in attendance regardless of, but not limited to, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, physical attributes, age, ethnicity, social standing, religion or political affiliation. We do not tolerate harassment of participants (including organisers and vendors) in any form. Sexual innuendos and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including presentations. Anyone violating these rules may be given warning or expelled from the conference (without a refund) at the discretion of the conference organisers. Our code of conduct/anti-harassment policy can be found here.

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